Butterflies donated by the Museum of Art and History of Durango

Butterfly collection donated by the Museum of Art and History of Durango in 2021


Wolfram is one of its components.

It is used for tapping and shaping, usually hexagonal, the head of screws.


The arrival of corn (zea mays) in the Basque Country brought about a real revolution in Basque agriculture from the 16th century onwards.

Manually dimmable lamp

This apparatus generates a permanent light which is regulated manually. An electric current is transmitted between the two slightly spaced carbon tips, which in turn generates electric light. In order to maintain this light, it is essential that the carbon rods remain at the right distance from each other, which is regulated manually.

Carbon fibre running prosthesis

Composite materials are engineering materials with high added value.

3D Printing

3D Printing is a process of manufacturing by adding materials and bringing together various technologies. It is used to create three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file. In this process, the solid body is formed by superimposing layers of a given material. Layer by layer, the material grows until the object is formed in its entirety. Each layer of material is equivalent to a thin horizontal section of the object. 3D printers can produce products in a variety of colours and materials.

At the Miguel Altuna Institute, we generate the digital file in two different ways:

Wolfram purua (barra)

Wolfram pieza “European Spallation Source ESS-ERIC” proiekturako

ESS Bilabo teknologia neutronikoen alorreko zentro estrategiko bat da nazioarte mailan; izan ere, Espalazio bidezko Neutroi Iturriaren Europako proiektuan laguntzen ari da bere produktuekin, aldi berean proiektuari beraien ezagutzaren eta erantsitako balioaren ekarpena eginez –proiektu hau Suedian, Lund-en, eraikitzen ari dira–. 

Tomas Zumalakarregiren kanpainako idazmahaia

Lehenengo Karlistadako jeneralik ospetsuenak bere aginduak eta abisuak emateko erabiltzen zuen kanpainako idazmahaia (XIX. mendea).

Drona, 3D inprimagailuaren bidez lortutako piezekin egindakoa

Dronak, tripulaziorik gabeko aireontziak, puri-purian dagoen sektorea da. Gaur egun dituzten erabileren artean honako hauek daude: salbamenduak egitea, egiturak ikuskatzea, pertsonen jarraipena egitea, edo prezisiozko nekazaritza ahalbidetzea.

Dibertoreko wolframezko xafla

JET tokamak bat da, hau da, instalakuntza esperimental bat, zeina erabiltzen den eremu magnetikoen bitartez mugatuta gelditzen diren fusio nuklearraren plasmak ikertu ahal izateko. Munduan abian dagoen tokamak handiena da. Makina honen dibertorea Wolframez egina dago. Zati horietako bat da hemen aurkezten duguna.