The Laboratorium has prepareed an exhibition on the sculptor Lorenzo Ascasibar, which can be seen in the Aroztegi hall until 20 June. This exhibition coincides with the tribute that the City Council will pay to this artist who was trained in Bergara on 8 June, and with the book written by Miguel Ángel Elkoroberezibar: Lorenzo Ascasibar: Eskultore baten testigantza. Testimony of a sculptor.
Is considered to be one of the greatest exponents of Basque figurative sculpture in the second half of the 20th century, but he still largely unknown to the general public. Lorenzo Ascasibar, author of more than 700 works on a vide range of themes, treatments and materials, can be considered one of the sculptors with the most precise detail and mastery of figurative technigue. Ascasibar is the last of the classics of the era of Higinio Basterra, Ricardo Iñurria, Joaquín Lucarini, Nemesio Mogrobejo, among others.
In this exhibition we have brought together works from throughout his artistic career, produced in various formats and materials, as well as photographs of part of his public work in the United States. In short, an anthological compendium of his fruitful production.
The inauguration took place on 28 May in the Aroztegin hall in Bergara.
In addition, a working group of people from Bergara who have participated in this initiative since its inception, offers guided tours of the church of San Pedro to get to know the Pietà by Lorenzo Askasibar. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays there will be someone at the church to give explanations to visitors. The calendar can be consulted by calling the Aroztegi room.