Temporary exhibitions

Jun 2
Aug 20

Illustrating the Past: Mauricio Antón and Paleoart


The exhibition, which includes works by the paleontological illutrator, it will can be visited at the Laboratorium Museum from June 2.

In the exhibition, you can see the species of hominins and other animal figures that do not exist today and the process of creating them through the works of Mauricio Antón.

Apr 2
May 10

Energia: Guzti-guztiaren jatorria eta amaiera


For two centuries we have been squeezing our planet's energy resources. Increasing living standards means increasing energy consumption, which is also being multiplied by the galloping population growth. We will have enough energy to continue this unbridled race?



How can it be that the energy of the Universe is zero?

What is its role in its evolution, and in the role of humanity?

How does it relate to the quality of life? what about the level of our economies? climate change?

In addition to putting numbers to the values of energy in its different manifestations and scenarios, from manoscopic to cosmological, the use of the different available fuels and their future is emphasised.



What decisions will we have to make about energy use in the immediate future?

Complexity, information, evolution, chaos, dark energy, international relations, transport, climate change, population and cities are the protagonists of this first story.

Their relationship with energy has been, is and will be crucial to understanding what we are and what we will be.


Energy manifests like a chamaleon, because it takes on many different forms and can transform from one to another without diminishing

We will go through different scales ranging from the nanoscopic to the cosmological world. Energy is what moves the Universe at all levels


Do we have enough energy to continue to involve and pursue the goal of going further in almost every area of our lives?

The exhibition endeavours to explain the use of all the fuels that are used to produce electricity, work, movement, order and information.



Feb 3
Mar 30
Taula Periodikoa

Periodic Table 2023: Elements that explain the Universe


In 2019/2020, the museum held an ambitious exhibition on the Periodic Table, coinciding with the anniversary of the invention. In this exhibition, visitors can learn about the chemical components that make up our world and their organization, learn the relationship of chemical elements with humans and nature, as well as the history of chemical discoveries.

In this exhibition, we show the visitor the importance of the invention of the periodic table and pay tribute to the Elhuyar brothers, who in 1783, managed to isolate tungsten in the facilities of the Chemical Laboratory created in 1778 associated with the Bascongado Patriotic Seminary of Bergara.

Room 1: Evolution of the Periodic Table
The creation of the periodic table is one of the most representative milestones in the history of science. In this first room, the periodic table is presented in interactive format, its function and its evolution until reaching its current configuration and the characteristics of each of the chemical elements that compose it.

Room 2: Discovery of tungsten and the Elhuyar brothers
Scientific research proposes to provide new facts, data, relationships or laws. In Bergara, it was the Elhuyar Hermoans who, through a scientific method, managed to isolate tungsten in 1783. This second space is dedicated to the discovery of tungsten and the importance of Bergara in this finding.

Room 3: The Table of Abundance
In the last room we will know the Table of Abundance, created by the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) and presented at the European Parliament in 2019. This periodic table collects the natural chemical elements and represents the abundance or scarcity of each of them on Earth. The table of abundance will help us understand which resources we should protect, as they are at serious risk of supply in the coming years.


Nov 3
Jan 31
Hondakin jasangarriak irudia
Hondakin jasangarriak
Aurkezpena 2
Hondakin jasangarriak
Erakusketako bigarren aretoa
Hondakibak botilatxoetan: pilak
Azalpenak ematen
Azalpenak ematen
Azalpenak ematen
3. gela
Gonbidatuak inaugurazioan

Sustainable waste: fiction or reality?



  • December 26: 11:00 in basque; 17:00 in spanish
  • December 27: 11:00 in spanish; 17:00 in basque.

Guide: Janire Lamariano. Organic chemistry doctor.


Within the framework of the ZTB Conference, on november 3 the exhibition "Sustainable waste: fiction or reality" has opened, wich will remain in the temporary exhibition hall until January 31, 2023. The mayor of Bergara, Gorka Artola, and the person in charge of Laboratorium, Rosa Errazkin, highlighted and thanked in their interventions the collaboration of the agents who have contributed to the realization of the exhibition. Sustainability is the central theme addressed in the year´s ZTB conferences.

Susana Pérez, Pedro Mujika from Industrias Mujika and Iñigo Isasti from Jolas have collaborated in the exhibition; and Adriana Uribesalgo, from the company Kafea Eco, gave an account of the work being carried out in this line, coinciding with the exhibition route.

There are many signs that show that our way of life is no longer sustainable: climate change, pollution rates, overexploitation of resources, water shortage... The transition towards a new model based on recycling, reuse, repair and recovery is a challenge and a duty that we must all assume as soon as possible.

This exhibition has been planned as an introductory journey through the recycling and reuse of hausehold waste with the aim of showing that the change towards an alternative model of production and consumption that is respectful of the natural environment is possible.

The exhibition tells us about recovery, renewal and repair, working on each idea in a room.



Room 1 proposes a journey through the three production system that we humans have generally put into practice since the Industrial Revolution, namely the linear production system, recycling and the circular economy

In this introductory room we will find the fundamental keys to understand the differences between each of them through manipulative games, graphic diagrams and a magnificent audiovisual presentation provided by the Ellen McArthur Foundation.


In Room 2 we present examples of 6 types of waste that can be recycled and reused through different processes and strategies. Here we will learn that an old tire, a torn jacket or the used oil we get every day after cooking can have a new life cycle as a raw material to manufacture other products. The potential of waste is incredible!


In the last room of the exhibition we will learn about some success stories carried out in the Basque Country. We refer to business initiatives, some very young and recent and others with history of more than a century and a half of existence, which have been able to find in recycling and circular economy fruitfull way to develop proposals for the future that make economic development compatible with sustainability.

Jun 20
Sep 11
Amaiur 1922-1936. Memoria demokratikoa. Inaugurazioa
Amaiur 1922-1936. Memoria demokratikoa. Inaugurazioa laboratorium museoaren aurrean
Amaiur 1922-1936. Memoria demokratikoa. Inaugurazioa
Amaiur 1922-1936. Memoria demokratikoa. Inaugurazioa. Azalpenak ematen
Amaiur 1922-1936. Memoria demokratikoa. Inaugurazioa. Bisita egiten.
Amaiur 1922-1936. Memoria demokratikoa. Inaugurazioa. Gorka Artola, Bergarako alkatea
Amaiur 1922-1936. Memoria demokratikoa. Inaugurazioa. Maite Aristegi, Olaso Dorrea Fundaziokoa.
Amaiur 1922-1936. Memoria demokratikoa. Inaugurazioa. Ainhoa Lete, alkateordea

Amaiur 1922-1936. Memoria demokratikoa


An exhibition on Amaiur's democratic memory opens at the Laboratorium museum in Bergara.

See guided tours below

From 20 June, the Laboratorium Museum in Bergara will be hosting the exhibition 'Amaiur 1922-1936 Democratic Memory'. It is a temporary exhibition that narrates the historical trajectory of this reference place of memory in our history. It will be in Bergara between June 20 and September 11.

The exhibition is organized by the Laboratorium Museum, the Olaso Tower Foundation and the Bergara City Council, and curated by the Aranzadi Science Society. Representatives of the four entities participated in the presentation made at the laboratorium.

The deputy mayor of Bergara, Ainhoa Lete, has made reference to the social nature of the Museum and the collaboration between the different agents. "At Laboratorium we are used to holding science-related exhibitions and we associate our activity especially with science, innovation and technology, but the museum also goes beyond that, and makes room for our history, art... making many other subjects available to the public through dissemination. In relation to this exhibition, I would also like to highlight the idea of collaboration that we have mentioned on so many other occasions.

The Mayor of Bergara, Gorka Artola, links the exhibition to the work being carried out by Bergara Town Council in the recovery of memory. "We are working to build the Bergara of the future, but to move forward it is essential to look back, to know the history, to recognise it, to recover memory. In Bergara we are working in this sense, among others, with Aranzadi, and now we are going to make room for the history of Euskal Herria through the museum."

The Laboratorium received the proposal for this exhibition through the foundation the Olaso Tower Foundation. Maite Aristegi, member of the Foundation's Board of Trustees, said that "Amaiur is an essential symbol of the Basque narrative, which explains how far we Basques are willing to go in defence of our freedoms. As Lauaxeta said, everything mus be given to the beloved freedom, and that is what the members of the Amaiur battalion did in the Amaiur castle and did again in the war of 1936"

Maite Errarte, from the Aranzadi Science Society, explained the details of the exhibition. She stresses that the construction of the Amaiur monolith or the fact that "a battalion of the Basque Army that is called Amaiur is no coincidence. Amaiur is a space present in our collective imagination and this exhibition aims to go to the roots and to the reason for the formation of that memory. Places of memory emerge between history, truth and myth, from which each of us creates our own narratives obout them."

Amaiur, a place of memory

Every country in the world has places of memory around which, for various reasons, feelings of all kinds are concentrated, sometimes conflicting, but which arouse the interest of citizens. Amaiur is one of them. It is when a historical place arouses so many different feelings that it acquires its full symbolism and dimension as a place of memory.

The aim of this exhibition is to present in a synthetic way how Amaiur was understood by a generation that fought for the defence of democratic freedoms and the Republic at the beginning of the 20th century. This is the case of such important figures in history as the humanist and politician Arturo Campión (1854-1937); the writer and politician Telesforo Monzón (1904-1981); or the politician and feminist Bittori Etxeberria (1908-1997)

Likewise, one of the battalions that took part in the resistance during the Civil War was given the name of "Amayur"; this was an act of homage to the resistance that defended the castle of Amaiur against the best militarily trained troops and was loyal to the legitimate regime, in the context of the conquest of Kingdom of Navarre.

This exhibition aims to be a humble gesture of reparation to recognise the suffering and the violation of the human rights of all those people, mostly anonymous, who assimilated the resistance of Amaiur to their resistance to Franco's military uprising. This was undoubtedly the generation that made Amaiur a place of memory.


The exhibition is supported by several organisations

It has the collaboration of the Gaztelu Society of Amaiur, the village of Amaiur, the Baztan Town Council, The Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Spanish Government, the Sabino Arana Foundation, Irujo Etxea, the Javier Ciga Foundation, the Department of Basque Studies of the University of Nevada and the University of the Basque Country.

Guided tours

During the months of July and August, 11:00 and 12:30. This offer will be added to the 5 options offered by the Bergara tourist office and it will be up to the people who are there at the time to choose which one to take. They can also be expressly requested in advance, like the rest of the guided tours.

May 13
Jun 8
Baionako kortsarioak kartela
Beart, Labortotium, Bergarako Udala eta Baionako Kortsarioak
Erakusketaren eskultura bat eta koadro batzuk
Bi koadro
Azalpenak ematen
Erakusketa jendearekin
Erakusketa jendearekin

The corsairs of Baiona


Once again this year, and thanks to their relationship with the Beart Association of Bergara, Baionako Kortsarioak are exhibiting their works in Bergara. This year, however, they will have a new location: the Laboratorium Museum. The exhibition will be in Bergara from 13 May to 8 June.

From the banks of the Errobi and the Adour, Alain, Andre, Claude, Eric, Julia, Mica and Pat shows us their creations made in timps of pandemic in Bergara. They are works that are already very familiar to us because we are getting to know the artist and his work better and better.

In these difficult times we have lived through, art shows us its kindest face and serves as a healing tool, a refuge where we can express what we see and experience that we can hardly express in any other way.

Baiona Bergara, Bergara Baiona, a round trip but it goes much further, with art we participate in a journey to emotional, psychological and spiritual freedom. Let's enjoy this exhibition that 'Baionako Kortsarioak' have prepared with so much attention.


Beart alkartearekin elkarlanean egin dugun erakusketa honen inaugurazioa maiatzaren 13an izan genuen.

The Mayor Gorka Artola welcomed the artists of the 'Galerie de Corsaires' of Baiona, where the Deputy Mayor Ainhoa Lete, the head of the Laboratorium Museoa Rosa Errazkin, the president of Beart Karlos Galarraga and the head of the Association 'Les Corsaires' André Goupille were also present. 

The mayor highlighted the social character of the museum. He said that it is not only linked to science and that it has recently hosted exhibitions with a wide variety of themes. "It is a social museum and its contribution, like society, is diverse and varied. This is also attested to by the exhibitions it hosts".

The mayor also referred to the presence of art in Bergara and the great work carried out by Beart in this field.

"Art has shown us its most pleasant side in these difficult times we have lived through and has helped us to heal. Art is a refuge that allows us to express what we see and what we experience, because otherwise it would be difficult for us to express all this", says Karlos Glarraga, president of the Beart Association.

Rosa Errazkin, head of the Laboratorium Museoa, also highlighted the idea of collaboration.

'Galerie de Corsaires' is a non-profit association that collaborates with the City Council of Baiona. It is located in the heart of Baiona Ttipia, near the Basque Museum and Bonnat-Helleu, and offers artists from the Basque Country and the Southwest of France the possibility to exhibit their works free of charge. It occasionally organises exhibitions in connection with local events such as the Ham Fair, Diversity Week, Museum Night and Blue Week (painting competition for seniors).

It also engages with artists' collectives abroad to collaborate and maintain relationships. The 'Galerie des Corsaires' participates in open-air exhibitions, as well as organising an annual open-air event such as 'Remp' Arts'.

They welcome their presence in Bergara and also their new location for the exhibition.

Feb 21
Apr 29
Taula Peridiodikoaren erakusketa. Kuboen jolas didaktikoa.
Taula periodikoa
Solidoak, Likidoak, Gasask, Sintetikoak
Elementuen taula izadian duten urritasuanren arabera

Taula periodikoa 2022: unibertsoa osatzen duten elementuak


2019/2020an, museoak anbizio handiko erakusketa egin zuen Taula Periodikoari buruz, asmakuntzaren urteurrenarekin batera. Erakusketa horretan, bisitariek gure mudua osatzen duten osagai kimikoak eta horien antolaketa ezagutu dezakete, elementu kimikoek gizakiarekin eta naturarekin daukaten harremana ikasten dute, eta kimikarien aurkikuntzen historiaz jabetu daitezke ere.

Aurten erakusketa hori berreskuratu dugu, eta, aipatutakoaz gain, panelei eta jolas didaktikoei esker, Dimitri Ivanovich Mendeleiev zientzialari errusiarrak, 1869an, gaur egun erabiltzen dugun taula periodikoa sortu zuela gogoratuko dugu. Taula Periodikoaren asmakuntzak izan duen garrantzia azpimarratzen dugu, eta, aldi berean, Elhuyar anaiak omentzen ditugu, 1783an Wolframa isolatu baitzuten, 1778an Real Seminario Patriótico Bascongadoko elkarteak Bergaran sortutako Laboratorium Chemicum-ean.


1. Aretoa: Taula periodikoaren bilakaera

Taula periodikoaren sorrera zientziaren historiako jazoera adierazgarrietako bat da. Lehendabiziko aretoan taula periodikoa dago erakusgai modu interaktiboan. Hala, haren funtzioa eta haren bilakaera azaltzen dira egun duen konfiguraiora iritsi arte. Gainera, hura osatzen duten elementu kimiko bakoitzaren ezaugarraik ageri dira.

2. Aretoa: Wolframaren aurkikuntza eta Elhuyar anaiak

Ikerketa zientifikoak gertaera, datu, erlazio edo lege berriak ematea proposatzen du. Bergaran Elhuyar anaiek wolframio isolatzea lortu zuten 1783. urtean metodo zientifiko bat erabiliz. Bigarren eremu honetan wolframioaren aurkikuntza eta Bergarak aurkikuntza horretan izandako garrantzia jorratzen dira.

3. Aretoa: Oparotasunaren taula

Azken areto honetan ezagutuko dugu Kimikako Europako Elkarteak (EuChemS) sortu eta Europako Parlamentuan 2019an aurkeztutako Oparotasunaren Taula. Taula periodiko horretan elementu kimiko naturalak jasotzen dira eta horietako bakoitza Lurrean oparoa ala urria den islatzen da. Oparotasunaren taula lagungarri izango zaigu zein baliabide babestu behar ditugun ulertzeko, izan ere, datozen urteetan horien hornidura arrisku larrian dago.

Nov 18
Feb 15
Hidrogeno berdea erakusketaren kartela
Erakusketako panela
Hidrogenoarekin funtzionatzen duten autoak
Susana Pérez doktoreak azalpenak ematen
Bisita gidatuen kartela
Janire Lamariano doktorea erakusketa azaltzen du

Green Hydrogen


GREEN HYDROGEN; A solution to climate change?

The current energy system is based on the use of fossil fuels. From oil and natural gas we get methane to heat our homes and generate electricity, petrol and diesel to power our cars, and paraffin for planes and ships. But the use of fossil fuels has twho fundamental problems: we depend on other countries to buy them (at the price they want) and they emit CO2 in their use (which favours climate change). This is why we are looking for alternative energy sources that allow us to be energy independent and environmentally sustainable, such as renewable energies and hydrogen.

This exhibition aims to answer many questions related to green hydrogen: what is it, how is it produced, is it sustainable? We hope it will be of interest to you and will help you to understand this future world that is getting closer and closer.

Bisita gidatuak

On these dates and times:

  • 2 December
    • In Basque: 11:00
    • In Spanish: 18:00
  • 17th of December
    • In Basque: 11:00
    • In Spanish: 18:00
  • 23 of December
    • In Basque: 11:00
    • In Spanish: 18:00
  • 28th of December 
    • In Basque: 11:00
    • In Spanish: 12:00
  • Abenduak 29
    • In Basque: 17:00
    • In Spanish: 18:00
  • Urtarrilak 13
    • In Basque: 12:00
    • In Spanish: 17:30
  • Urtarrilak 21

    • In Basque: 12:00
    • In Spanish: 17:30
  • Urtarrilak 25
    • In Basque: 12:00
    • In Spanish: 17:30
  • Otsailak 3
    • In Basque: 12:00
    • In Spanish: 17:30
  • Otsailak 11
    • In Basque: 12:00
    • In Spanish: 17:30



Susana Pérez doktorea

In Spanish, Susana Pérez Gil, who has prepared the content of this exhibition. She holds a PhD in chemical technology, from Bergara, and is a senior technologist at Tecnalia, where she works in the following areas: chemical technology, processes, H2 production, CO2 capture and use: Chemical technology, processes, H2 production, CO2 capture and use.


Janire Lamariano doktorea

In Basque, Janire Lamariano, PhD in chemistry and lecturer-tu



To book a place, please call or write to Laboratorium.
Tel 943 769 003
@: laboratorium@bergara.eus


Sorgina Txirulina Storyteller:

  • 22 of January , 11:00
  • 29 of Friday, 11:00

Recommended for children aged 4-8 years old.
Bookings: 943 769 003 | laboratorium@bergara.eus
Ikusi informazio gehiago, gure albistean.

Oct 29
Nov 14
Mikel Rodriguez Hidalgo. Zalakantoa
Amaia Torres Diospyros. Kaki
Inaugurazioa ZTB kartelarekin
Ilustraciencia erakusketa Aroztegi aretoan
Jirafaren ilustrazio zientifikoa
Ibai-karramarro gorria
Saguzarra edo gauenararen marrazki zientifikoa
Terebuza edo sendapokiaren marrazkia hazien barreiatzea irudikatzeko
Erakusketako hegazti batzuen ilusrazio zientifikoa

'Ilustraciencia 7' in Bergara



Tuesday to Friday: 18:00-20:30
Saturdays: 12:00-14:00 eta 18:00-20:30
Sundays and public holidays: 12:00-14:00

The exhibition 'Ilustraciencia 7' is a selection of 40 works by participants in the sevents edition of the International Award for Scientific and Nature Illustration organised by the National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid (MNCN-CSIC) and the Catalan Association of Scientific Communication. The initiative also has the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the 'La Caixa' Foundation.

The travelling exhibition shows visitors the work of professionals in scientific and naturalist illustration. An animal, a mineral or the reconstruction of a landscape from millions of years ago can be represented by means of an illustration, using different techniques, but always with scientific rigour.

In 2019, 500 works were submitted to the competition, of which the professional jury selected 40 for this travelling exhibition. Two students from the UPV/EHU master's degree in Scientific Illustration, in which the Laboratorium Museum collaborates, were selected: Amaia Torres and Mikel Rodríguez.


Jun 25
Oct 10
Kotoiaren emakumeak irudi nagusia
Emakumeak elkarrizketatzen
Kotoiaren emakumeak balkoia
Kotoiaren emakumeak inaugurazioa ordezkaritza instituzionala eta Bergarako kotoiaren langile ohiak
Fanny Alonsoren lan-taldea eta Bergarako kotoiaren langile ohiak
Fanny Alonso azlpenak ematen erakusketan
Erakusketako sarrera
Erakusketara sartzen
Kotoiaren langile ohia erakusketa ikusten
Zuloaga familia alkatearekin hitz egiten
Zuloaga familia
Erakusketaren eskuorria eskutan
Eskuorria aulki batean

Women of cotton. Life stories



The aim of the exhibition Women of Cotton is to pay tribute to women workers, in this case those who worked at Algodonera San Antonio. Through various artistic disciplines (illustrations, poetry, photographs, literature, fashion...) the life stories of these women will be narrated, explaining everything they lived through.

This project, created in Andoain, was initially born as a fashion project, but gradually acquired a cultural tone. In 1857-1965 Andoain had a factory called Algodonera Guipuzcoana. The 90% of the workers were women. With the aim of honouring and strengthening all these women, the exhibition Women of Cotton was created. This exhibition took place from 3 to 20 march at the Bastero Cultural Centre. After the closure of the textile factory in Andoain, many of the women who worked there moved to Bergara to work, so the second stop of this project was Bergara.

The exhibition is made up of different "totems", which are displayed in the image, and it shows poetry, photographs, illustrations... The totem poles in Andoain are white, while those in Bergara are blue, referring to the colour of the table.

The women of cotton is a sustainable exhibition. The "totem poles" are made of wood and fabric from the Irizar factory. On the other hand, the fabrics of the Andoain section are those given to us by a woman. We think they are from Algodón de Andoain. On the other hand, the tubes that hang the fabrics are from the shop "Muchas telas" in San Sebastian. In this exhibition the only new objects are the aluminium tubes. 

As we have already mentioned, this exhibition tells the life stories of the women who worked in the "Algodonera San Antonio" workshop. For this purpose we have met with 8 women recalling the past moments. Many exhibition totems carry a QR code with the voices and stories of the women. In addition, the exhibition will have several small catalogues with all the stories.

Guided tours

Although the exhibition is well understood in itself (there will be sufficient documentation), guided tours will be organised in Basque and Spanish. In these visits, as well as explaining the exhibition, various anecdotes and little stories will be told.

The dates are:

  • 7 July, Wednesday, 12:00
  • 21 July, Wednesday, 12:00
  • 28 July, Wednesday, 12:00
  • 4 August, Wednesday, 12:00
  • 25 August, Wednesday, 12:00/18:00
  • 1 September, Wednesday, 12:00/18:00

* Bisita gidatu guztiak dagoeneko egin dira.


Educational Units

This project offers the didactic unit "Ehun lantegiak Bergaran", different life stories and adds documentation to it. The didactic unit was previously worked on by the departments of Municipal Archives, Equaly and Youth and Education and Participation of the Bergara Town Council, and can be downloaded at https://sites.google.com/view/ehunlantegiakbergaran



The speed of fashion is causing the progressive loss of jobs of yesteryear, like the textiles. With the aim of highlighting the work that these women did and promoting a sustainable life (we must bear in mind that these women lived in a totally sustainable way: they exchanged clothes among themselves, repaired the fabrics over and over again...) we propose different talks.

Date: September 23rd, 2021, Thursday

Place: Seminarixoa

Ask for an invitation here: https://seminarixoa.eus/
Remember that seating is limited.

  • 10:00 tak aimed at children.
  • 18:00 talk aimed at adult audiences.

This conference, recorded, can be watched here: https://youtu.be/0pxDr8PSIlo




The following cotton wool courses are proposed. The workshops will be in Basque and Spanish.

Place: Laboratorium

Kotoizko kala eta marrazkiak: Kala lorea egingo dugu kotoia erabiliz.
Adina: 6-12 urteko pertsonak
Materiala: Kotoizko diskoak, makilatxoak, guraizeak, kola, egurrezko makilak
Eguna: 2021.09.25, larunbata
Ordua: 10:30 - 13:30
Izena eman eskaera-orri honetan


Ikusi erakusketen historikoa
