Temporary exhibitions

May 28
Jun 20
Lorenzo Ascasibar erakusketan
Lorenzo Ascasibar eta emaztea erakusketan
Lorenzo eta familia erakusketan
Lorenzo Ascasibar eta Jesus Arregi
Udala eta Lorenzo Ascasibar
Lorenzo Ascasibar, alkatea, Rosa errazkin, Miguel okina eta Josu Okina

Lorenzo Ascasibar. Retrospective of a sculptor.


The Laboratorium has prepareed an exhibition on the sculptor Lorenzo Ascasibar, which can be seen in the Aroztegi hall until 20 June. This exhibition coincides with the tribute that the City Council will pay to this artist who was trained in Bergara on 8 June, and with the book written by Miguel Ángel Elkoroberezibar: Lorenzo Ascasibar: Eskultore baten testigantza. Testimony of a sculptor.

Is considered to be one of the greatest exponents of Basque figurative sculpture in the second half of the 20th century, but he still largely unknown to the general public. Lorenzo Ascasibar, author of more than 700 works on a vide range of themes, treatments and materials, can be considered one of the sculptors with the most precise detail and mastery of figurative technigue. Ascasibar is the last of the classics of the era of Higinio Basterra, Ricardo Iñurria, Joaquín Lucarini, Nemesio Mogrobejo, among others.

In this exhibition we have brought together works from throughout his artistic career, produced in various formats and materials, as well as photographs of part of his public work in the United States. In short, an anthological compendium of his fruitful production.

The inauguration took place on 28 May in the Aroztegin hall in Bergara.

In addition, a working group of people from Bergara who have participated in this initiative since its inception, offers guided tours of the church of San Pedro to get to know the Pietà by Lorenzo Askasibar. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays there will be someone at the church to give explanations to visitors. The calendar can be consulted by calling the Aroztegi room.



Mar 4
May 30
Emakume baten akuarela

30 unforgettable women


Bergara Town Council has presented the programme organised for International Women's Day at the Laboratorium Museum, which includes this new exhibition which will be open from 4 March till 30 May.

At the presentation, Rosa Errazkin, director of the Laboratorium, highlighted that "this is more than an exhibition of watercolours. It coincides with the character of the Laboratorium Museum, which is not just a museum, but is based on sustainability and novelty, as it aspires to be a driving force for development. And in this sense, we want to be agents in making visible the women who have made significant contributions to our history".


The origin of this exhibition is in a book, according to the director of Emakunde, Izaskun Landaida. "When Emakunde turned 30, we wanted to do something special and we thought of recovering the memory of 30 women from our town and collecting it in a book. To do this, the artist Elena Ciordia produced 30 watercolours". The exhibition has been made with the watercolours collected in the book.

The women who appear in the watercolours are very diverse: from scientists, musicians, painters, bertsolaris, politicians, writers, photographers, teachers, sportswomen... They are women who have made important contributions to the history of our country, "but our intention has not been to pay tribute to women who have only stood out in the public sphere. With this exhibition, as well as praising the work of these 30 women, we want to highlight and pay tribute to all those women who have worked in other less public and less spectacular fields. Because they have done work that is absolutely necessary and fundamental for our society and have not received the public recognition they deserve", said the director of Emakunde. 


The exhibition also proposes to collect names of other women. There is a panel where visitors can include names, photos and stories of other unforgettable women. This collection of names will take place not only in the exhibition, but also through social networks, with the hashtag #emakumeahaztezinak #mujeresinolvidables

Oct 30
Jan 24
Aretoa jenderik gabe
Eduardo Alfaro, Gorka Artola, Mari Cruz Gonzalo, Ekaitz Aranberri eta Rosa Errazkin
Eduardo Alfaro, Gorka Artola, Juan Martin Elexpuru, Xabier Aizpuru, Juan Antonio Iturbe eta Iñaki Esparza

Roman customs for death in the Highlands of Soria. Traces of Basque in ancient epigraphy




Eduardo Alfaro, PhD in archeology from the University of Valladolid, curator of this exhibition, has given several lectures at the Laboratorium museum, and will give his last one in January. Attendees will be able to listen to the researcher who knows these stelae best and visit the exhibition before or after the lecture

  • January 22, Friday, 17:30h, AT THE Seminarixoa auditorium in Bergara*. AFORO COMPLETO.

Ikusi Seminarixoaren ezaugarriak



Now that Eduardo Alfaro's small lectures at the museum have finished, we have organized some guided visits to the exhibition, led by a museum technician, which will take place on these dates:

  • 7 January, Thursday
  • 5 pm(in basque). DONE.
  • 6pm (in spanish). DONE
  • 8 January, Friday
  • 5pm (in spanish). DONE
  • 6pm (in basque). DONE
  • 14 January, Thursday
  • 5pm (in basque). FULL.
  • 6pm (in spanish). FULL.
  • 15 January, Friday
  • 5pm (in spanish). FULL
  • 6pm (in basque).

Advertencia: Guided tours can only be for 6 people, including the guide. The list above is not constantly and immediately updated


Something about the exhibition

Thanks to the stone inscriptions we can get to know something about the people who lived in the first centuries of our era.

A significant number of these documents have been discovered in Tierras Altas de Soria. Written in Latin, they contain, however, Latin personal names, in Celtic and in an ancient form of Basque.

Among the 40 stelae and tombstones found in Tierras Altas from the first to the third centuries, we have gathered six: a representative sample. For the history of the Basque language, that of the Highlands of Soria is undoubtedly a fundamental set, the largest in volume of Basque-Aquitan anthroponymy that can be found south of the Pyrenees.


Tierras Altas or "La Sierra", as it is known by its inhabitants, is located in the northeast of Soria and belongs to the Ebro basin. It is a land of mountains and ravines, which during the Iron Age belonged to the Celtiberian cultural environment. At the end of this stage, during the Romanization, it was incorporated into the province of Citerior Tarraconense, with its capital in Tarraco (Tarragona).


In all the cities and in some rural areas there were inscription workshops. The one in the Highlands specialized in funerary stelae during the 1st and 2nd centuries. This workshop combined local traditions and fashions imported from Rome with a very defined style and repetitive schemes.

These schemes and the elements that compose them have a meaning and a 'raison d'être', something you will discover in this exhibition.


The roots of the people of the territory are shown through their indigenous names. Until a little more than a decade ago they were linked to the Iberian sphere. Since then they have been linked to another linguistic space, that of the Basque-Aquitan language, a language or set of languages, ancestor of the current Basque language.


This exhibition was in Santa Cruz de Yanguas, municipality of Tierras Altas in 2019. Now, a representation of it can be visited for two months in Bergara.

Nov 8
Oct 12
Naturako 90 elementu kimikoak eta hauek duten desagertzeko arriskua
Elementu kimikoen kuboak

PERIODIC TABLE: The elements that make up the Universe


The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2019 as the International year of the Periodic Table (#IYPT2019). This year marks the 150th anniversary of the periodic table created by Russian scientist Dimitri Ivanovich Mendeleev in 1869. In this latest version of the table the elements are ordered according to the characteristics of their atoms.  

In this exhibition, we show visitors  the importance of the invention of the periodic table and pay tribute to the Elhuyar brothers, who in 1783, managed to isolate tungsten in the facilities of the Chemical Laboratory created in 1778 associated with Seminario Patriótico Bascongado de Bergara.

Room 1: Evolution of the Periodic Table

The creation of the periodic table is one of the most representative milestones in the history of science. The first room presents the periodic table in interactive format, its function and its evolution to its current configuration and the characteristics of each of the chemical elements that compose it.

Room 2: Discovery of tungsten and the Elhuyar Brothers

Scientific research aims to provide new facts, data, relationships or laws. In Bergara, it was the Elhuyar brothers who, throudh a scientific method, succeeded in isolating tungsten in 1783. This second space is dedicated to the discovery of wolfram and the importance of Bergara in this discovery.

Room 3: The Abundance Table

In the last room we will learn about the Abundance Table, created by the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) and presented to the European Parliament in 2019. This periodic table collects the natural chemical elements and represents the abundance or scarcity of each of them on Earth. The abundance table will help us to understand which resources we must protect, as they are at serious risk of supply in the coming years.

Jun 1
Sep 17
Biribilak mendietan erakusketaren eskuorria azala

Biribilak mendietan


2019ko maiatzaren 31an, inauguratu zen 'Biribilak mendietan. Seles, kortak, saroiak' Laboratorium Museoan.

Erakusketa hau '750 urte eta aurrera, Bergarako hiribilduaren aurretik' programaren barruan kokatu zen. Egilea Euskal Herriko Museoa izan zen, Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak laguntzarekin, eta honen helburua izan zen kortek Euskal Herriko nekazaritzan izan duten garrantzia ezagutzera ematea. Jarduera hau Erdi Arotik datorren praktika horren gaineko ikerketa baten emaitza izan zen, hain zuzen ere, Euskal Herriko mendietan biribil formakoak diren eta tamaina handiko harri baten inguruan trazatu diren lursail berezi horiek aztertu zituena.

Bergarako kasuan, udalerriko XVIII. mendeko dokumentu garrantzitsuak gehitu zitzaizkien erakusketari. Agiri horietan azaltzen da saroeien jatorria, egitura, neurketa moduak eta mugarriak; bai eta horien tipologia, erabilera anitzak, kokapena eta historian izan duten garapena, besteak beste. Muestrak jasota ditu XVII eta XVIII. mendeetako krokis originalak, biribilei buruzko antzinako testu eta dokumentuak, kortarri edo haustarri deritzoten garaiko mugarriak eta abar. Hori guztiaz gain, airetiko argazki, kartografia, ikus-entzunezko eta panel askok hornitzen dute esposizioa.

Jan 25
May 5
Energiaren erakusketaren eskuorriaren barnealdea
Energiaren erakusketaren eskuorriaren kanpoaldea

ENERGIA: Guzti-guztiaren jatorria eta amaiera


Bi mende daramatzagu gure planetaren energia baliabideak estutu. Bizi-maila areagotzeak energiaren kontsumoa handitzea suposatzen du, biztanleria galkorraren gehikuntza ere biderkatuz. Nahiko energia izango dugu lasterketa neurrigabean jarraitzeko?


